"Internal Migration, Remittances and Economic Development" (with Xiameng Pan) Journal of International Economics, 2024, Vol 147.
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]
[Code and Data]
[Gated Version]
"The Economic Costs of Trade Sanctions: Evidence from North Korea" (with Jihee Kim, Kyoochul Kim and Sangyoon Park) Journal of International Economics, 2023, Vol 145.
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]
[Code and Data]
[Gated Version]
"Uncertainty, Imperfect Information and Learning over the Firm's Life Cycle" (with Cheng Chen, Tatsuro Senga and Hongyong Zhang) Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023, Vol 140.
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]
[Gated Version]
"Learning and Information Transmission within Multinational Corporations" (with Cheng Chen and Hongyong Zhang) European Economic Review, 2022, Vol 143.
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]
[Gated Version]
"Multinational Production with Non-neutral Technologies"
Journal of International Economics, 2020, Vol 123.
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]
[Code and Data]
[Gated Version]
"Communication Costs, Direct Flights and International Trade" (with Taiji Furusawa, Heiwai Tang and Jiaxu Zhang) [Working Paper]
"Counterfactual Retaliatory Tariffs and the 2020 United States Presidential Election" (with Xiaohan Zhang) [Working Paper]
"Production and Ownership Networks" (with Cheng Chen and Hongyong Zhang) [RIETI Discussion Paper Version]
"Information Acquisition and Price Setting under Uncertainty" (with Cheng Chen, Tatsuro Senga and Hongyong Zhang) draft available upon request
"Anti-dumping Tariffs and Market Interdependence" (with Cheng Chen and Zhang Chen)
"Incumbency Advantage or Incumbent Dilemma? The Dynamics of Competitive Advantage" (with Wouter Dessein and Jin Li)
"Transmission of Shocks across Countries through Heterogeneous Production Economy" (with Wataru Miyamoto and Thuy Lan Nguyen)
"The Impact of the US-China Trade War on Japanese Multinational Corporations" (with Zhigang Tao, Hongjie Yuan and Hongyong Zhang) July, 2019. [RIETI Discussion Paper Version] [VoxEU Summary]
"Firm Expectations and Investment: Evidence from the China-Japan Island Dispute" (with Cheng Chen, Tatsuro Senga and Hongyong Zhang) July, 2018. [Current Version]